Dog Potty Training By Sandra Dobson

   Dog Potty Training
         Sandra Dobson
One of the most crucial training sessions that you will find with a new dog, is dog potty training. This is when you need to teach your dog that they must go to the bathroom outside, and not in your home on the floor. This will include every room, and this means that they must not waste in the crate if you are using one. The idea of potty training is one that usually becomes one of dread, as it can be as difficult as training a child to use the potty.Just like KidsYou will quickly learn that puppies are just like children when it comes to dog potty training, and they will often display very similar traits. If you are too aggressive with this training of the dog, you could quickly see that the dog could regress rapidly. You can find a few accidents here and there, and this is something that should be expected. You will find accidents from children, and you will find the same small mistakes in your home with puppies initially. With dedication and an understanding that this will take time, you will have the puppy trained and it will all be an afterthought. Puppies are usually trained or ready to be trained by the time they are in and around the 12 week period. Any time before this and you will be simply asking too much from your young dog as they simply do not have a mature bladder to hold it.Training PadsThe scented dog training pads are a very efficient and popular way to be successful at dog potty training. These pads have pheromones that are useful to attract the dog to the pad, and actually make them want to soil on the pad rather than the floors. Many people are finding that these pads are a lifesaver, while it must be cautioned that prolonged use will actually have results that you will find less than desirable. If the puppy goes on these pads too long, they will begin to adopt this pad as the outside source and may not actually go outside at all. You need to convince the dog, that the pads are only a way to helping the dog and not the actual measures to which they will do going to the bathroom full time. Use these pads as you feel you need too, but bear in mind that they should be used sparingly.Regular Outside TripsA good way for you to become successful when it comes to dog potty training is to ensure that the dog gets to go out on a frequent basis. This means that when the dog is very young as in less than 12 weeks, they should be brought outside at least once per hour. By the evening, they will have their pads to rely on, and this will show them that outside is the place for them to potty. It will take a bit of time, but they will get it.

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