Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breed Description, History, Grooming, Health Issues and Living Conditions

Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breed Description, History, Grooming, Health Issues and Living Conditions
Description: The Yorkshire terrier is a small dog that is located in the class of dog toy. This breed is 6-7 cm tall and weighs about seven pounds. This breed has a life expectancy of 12-15 years. The Yorkshire terrier has a small head, which is flat on the top, and have an average muzzle, is not so long. Their teeth meet in a scissors or level bite, and can be reached. They have a black nose. This breed has dark eyes, medium size and are not very important. The eyelids are dark. The ears are small Yorkshire terrier, in a vertical position and are V-shaped, which are carried out so as not distant. All legs are straight, and we see the round paws with claws blacks. In some countries the tail is docked to medium length, in countries where this is permitted. Yorkshire Terrier The coat is glossy, fine and silky texture. The hair on the body is moderately long and straight should be. The hair on the head is long and must be tied with a ribbon, or parted in the middle and tied with two bows, this allows you to see the dog and eating easier. With the breed Yorkshire Terrier, the hair on the muzzle is very long. The puppies are born with the color, black and brown are usually dark-colored body, this changes as they age. Coat colors are available in steel blue and tan, blue is for the body and tail and the rest of the dog is brown.

History: The breed originated in Yorkshire, England and was created by man team, a dog that can capture the terrible rats and mice infected with the windmills and trees wanted. The Yorkshire Terrier is an ancient breed originated in the 19 ° Century. It is believed that it was part of Scotland with migrant workers, and perhaps genetics of its equipment, the Paisley Terrier, Skye Terrier, Dandie Dinmont, Manchester Terrier, Maltese, and the Scottish Terrier, but we have one we see today. Early in its history, has been considered any type of terrier with a long coat with a blue and brown like a Yorkshire Terrier. A lady named Mary Ann Foster, Yorkshire terrier dogs in the United Kingdom has shown, has helped to define the nature of the Yorkshire Terrier. The Yorkshire Terrier breed was also used in the competitions that the spy, who was the favorite sport of the time. This dog, with selective breeding, this race has been gradually miniaturized. When she was little, the ladies found a fashion-expansion, since they can be taken away neatly in a bag. The Yorkshire terrier breed is a companion dog. This dog has been recognized by the AKC in 1885. The first recordings of the Yorkshire Terrier in the United States were born in 1872.

Temperament: The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog that is in great personality. Keep the quality terriers, this dog enjoys adventure and has a lot of energy. This is a very brave dog and is very intelligent. The Yorkshire Terrier is very affectionate with their owners, and makes a great companion. Problems can arise when the owner is not the pack leader here we see a dog that is aggressive toward strange dogs and small animals, and can also become yappy. The Yorkshire terrier dog, like all dogs, the owner must be at the top. This dog is better with older children who can demonstrate leadership and to treat the dog as a dog. Syndrome of small dog in the Yorkshire Terrier should be avoided, as this is the dog is unhappy, and even the owner. If the Yorkshire Terrier began to develop jealousy or is it about demanding human attention, it is worthwhile to consider how to treat a dog that returns to put the right balance. The Yorkshire Terrier is easy to train, but can be stubborn, like all terriers. This breed can be difficult to potty train. The Yorkshire Terrier is an excellent guard dog. The biggest problem may have Yorkshire Terrier, is if the owner thinks and treats her like a human baby, because of their size. The Yorkshire Terrier is a sweet little dog if the owner understands that leadership skills are nice. Although the Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, they need to walk every day. This will help to burn off their energy, because this race has a lot to burn. Having dogs that do not have daily walks are more behavior problems. A sure sign that your Yorkshire Terrier can take long trips, when you go around the house as fast as a bullet. Remember, this dog is able to learn and simple commands such as heel are required while walking. This dog enjoying a good run in a safe open area off leash.

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